World Mcqs

The balance of trade is a record of ?

A. exports and imports of financial assets

B. the current account plus capital account

C. the net export of goods and services

D. the value of merchandise exports minus imports

Related Questions on The Balance of Payments & The National Economy Mcqs

Which of the following statements is correct ?

A. If the current accounts is in surplus then the capital account must also be in surplus

B. If the current account is in deficit then the capital account must also be in deficit

C. The overall sum of all the entries in the balance of payments must be positive

D. The overall sum of all entries in the balance of payments must be zero

When a country has a trade deficit it ?

A. purchases more stocks and bonds from the rest of the world than it sells

B. purchases more goods from the rest of the world than it sells

C. sells more goods to the rest of the world than it purchases

D. sells more stocks and bonds to the rest of the world than it purchases